A unit trust combines the capital of many investors to employ experienced management in purchasing securities of many companies. The management of a unit trust provides diversification of investments and supervision which few investors could individually afford. Investment management is a full time job requiring specialized knowledge and training. It involves the study of a variety of factors.
Some of the factors which have to be examined are,
1. Comparisons of all industries in the economy
2. Relative studies of companies within a promising industry
3. Personal contact with management of promising corporations
4. Evaluating the effect of international events, both monetary and political
5. Determining the results of government policies on each industry
Professional management is also interested in studying less obvious factors such as wage rates, which might affect the economy or the profitability of certain companies or corporations. It requires careful study of individual companies within the industry to determine which of the many companies offer the best prospects for the investors. It requires comparing this company with the best companies in other promising industries. Since all this factors are constantly changing, re-evaluation and study have to be continuous.
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